
Shutdown Turnaround Planning Workshop

Shutdown adalah kegiatan perawatan total suatu unit produksi/pabrik/train.Unit produksi yang mengalami shutdown akan berhenti produksi secara total serta sebagian besar alatnya akan dimatikan. Hal ini bertujuan agar semua alat di dalam suatu unit produksi tersebut bisa dilakukan perawatan secara menyeluruh.

DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Shutdown Turnaround Planning Workshop yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang :

  • Shutdown Turnaround Phases
  • Shutdown Turnaround Schedule Analysis Critical Path,Resource Analysis&Cost Estimation
  • Aplikasi teknik-teknik perencanaan&kontrol terkait Shutdown Turnaround
  • After Shutdown Improvement
  • Shutdown Turnaround Materials&Equipment
  • Next Shutdown Turnaround&Plant Life Cycle
  • Shutdown Turnaround Planning sesuai dengan kondisi/keadaan kebutuhan Plant Production untuk Eliminasi Problems&Bottlenecks Plant Production
  • Shutdown Turnaround Planning efektif dengan Studi Kasus real plant operation daripraktisi
  • dll

Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam konteks dunia proyek sehingga lebih familier dengan aktivitas proyek sehari-hari.

Shutdown Turnaround Planning Workshop

Shutdown Turnaround Planning Workshop

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Shutdown Turnaround Planning Workshop dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :


·         Definisi Project

·         Project Management

·         Tahapan Manajemen Proyek

·         Project vs Operational Work

·         Project Content

·         Urgensi Project Scope Planning

·         Kontribusi Scope Planning terhadap Kesuksesan Project

·         Project Scope Planning

·         Work Breakdown Structure

·         Fungsi Work Breakdown Structure


2. Maintenance Management

·         Why we Maintain (Asset condition, Optimum Condition)

·         Types of Maintenance

·         Unplanned Maintenance (Service Request&Breakdown)

·         Planned Maintenance (Preventive Maintenance,Predictive&Corrective)

·         Typical Type of Maintenance

·         Maintenance Performance Parameter (Equipment Effectiveness, Mean Time Before Failure&Mean Time To Service)

·         Maintenance System Implementation



·         Plant Scheduled Down for Maintenance

·         Shutdown Management Elements

·         Planning the Work

·         Maintenance Organization Chart

·         Reporting Structure for Shutdown

·         Description of Work&Reponsibility

·         Scope of Work

·         Materials,Tools& Equipment

·         Economic Decisions

·         Work Scheduling

·         Execution of the Project

·         Reporting and Documenting Shutdown Activity.

·         Identifying the Work in Advance

·         Review the Maintenance Backlog

·         Utility Equipment

·         Preventive Maintenance Jobs

·         Jobs Not Requiring a Shutdown

·         Special Preparation

·         Equipment History

·         High Temperature Services

·         Shutdown Turnaround Project Planning Exercise

·         Oil Gas Onshore Offshore Platform

·         Oil Refinery

·         Petrochemical

·         Manufacturing Plant

·         Power Plant



·         Shutdown Plan

·         Detailed Inspections Schedule

·         Predictive Maintenance Records

·         Predictive Maintenance (PDM) Program

·         Preliminary Work

·         Identify Inspection

·         Identify Spare Parts Requirements

·         Input From Othersstructured Group Interview&Input From Others

·         Operators,Maintenance Mechanics Problem and Solution

·         Action Documents&Work Orders

·         Shutdown Files Review

·         Start-Up Activities

·         Shutdown Checklist

·         Supervisory Coverage, Building Permits

·         Contractor Insurance Certificates

·         Emergency Showers, Dust-Noise&Traffic Control

·         Liquid&Solid Waste Handling

·         Repairs of Potential Structures Damage

·         First Aid, Temporary Power, Heat&Light

·         Temporary Storage&Temporary Construction Protection



5. shutdown turnaround Schedule Development

·         Pentingnya Perencanaan

·         Perencanaan Penjadwalan

·         hal yang menjadi ‘kunci’ pembuatan Time Schedule

·         Sequencing (Duration, Diagram jaringan,Konsep predecessor& successor)

·         Duration (Kapasitas Produksi,Milestone/Target waktu,Proses pengadaan,Regulasi/perijinan)


·         Tipe Hubungan Precedence

·         Lag / Lead dalam Precedence

·         Contoh Aktivitas

·         Duration Compression (Fast Tracking&Crashing)


6. shutdown turnaround Earned Value Method

·         Baseline

·         Earned Value Method

·         Contoh Earned Value Method

·         Kurva S



7. shutdown turnaround Risk Management

·         Sumber Risiko

·         Identifikasi Risiko

·         Matrix Risk Probability & Impact

·         Stakeholder Responsibility

·         Risk Management

·         Shutdown Turnaround Risk Overview

·         Shutdown Turnaround Risk Identification&Risk Analysis

·         Shutdown Turnaround Risk Management Responses

·         Risk Identification&Risk Quantification

·         Risk Response Development& Risk Response Control



8. Shutdown Turnaround Project Planning Exercise

·         Oil Gas Onshore Offshore Platform

·         Oil Refinery

·         Petrochemical

·         Manufacturing Plant

·         Power Plant

·         Mining

DEVELOP Oil-Gas,Refineries,Petrochemical,Powerplant,Mining&Industrial Manufacturing Certification Center for Qualification



Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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DEVELOP's educational commitment : to maintain professionalism and integrity in our work at all times, giving due respect to the environment and interest of society and the nation


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