
Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding Training

DEVELOP Training Center (TM) menyelenggarakan Kelas Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding Training pada Project&Plant Operation.

Materi Training di DEVELOP Training Center (TM) dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi engineer dan designer disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding Training

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Kelas Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding Training dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :


Sesi 1-2

Skill Focus :

  • Compressed air energy storage
  • Adiabatic storage&Diabatic storage of energy
  • Bernoulli’s equation
  • Overview and industrial position of compressors
  • Types Of Compressors

Sesi 3-4

Skill Focus :

  • Selection criteria for compressors/Compressor obasic selection guide (Capacity&Working Pressure)
  • Comparison of compressors (Efficiency at Full Load,Part Load&No Load)
  • Compressed Air System Components (Intake air filters,Compressor,Inter-stage & after coolers,Air dryers,Moisture drain taps,Receivers,Distribution through piping)
  • compressed air system with components and network


Compressor System Engineering Fundamental Comprehensive&Understanding
Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus yang telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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